line decor
- Forest Grove, Oregon
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line decor

Contact Information:

Grand Chapter Office
PO Box 55217
Portland, OR 97238

Grand Secretary: Mary Duncan

Grand Treasurer: Shari Durgan

Denise Price-Giesbers &
Stephanie Beall


Session Worker Duties

All-Membership Banquet Chairman Duties

ALL-MEMBERSHIP BANQUET (Associate Matron's Group)
The Chairman for the All-Membership Banquet is selected from the Associate Matron's group. The Co-Chairman will come from the Conductresses group. Please share any information you think would be helpful with your Co-Chairman. Your committee for this banquet should also come from the Associate Matron's group.
You will be responsible to secure a location, set the menu and price for the banquet. It will also be necessary for you to plan decorations for the tables and schedule some entertainment for the evening.
Traditionally, there has been approximately 30 to 50 people seated at the head table. These people are usually presented with a special "small" gift as a remembrance of the evening. There has also been a token "give away" for each member at their place setting. The Distinguished guest gifts are usually used as the decorations for the head tables. There can be centerpieces for each of the other tables.
Be sure to keep these costs in mind when you set the price for the meal. The price should cover the cost of the dinner, a gratuity, any dinners that your group may be hosting, the decorations and gifts. Please see that accurate records are kept concerning these expenses, as it may help the next group to be in charge.
You may be responsible for handling the tickets and doing the seating chart The most successful arrangement has been to number the tables and have each member assigned to a table (put the table number on their tickets). Check with the caterer about how many can be seated at each table. Other arrangements may be requested by the Worthy Grand Matron. Whatever the case may be, you should keep in contact with the Distinguished Guest Chairman concerning those guests attending from out of state.
At the appropriate time, the Most Worthy Grand Matron or Patrons representative, the Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron, the Associate Grand Matron and Associate Patron's dinners should be covered in the banquet expenses. This list of guests does change from time to time, as you may have special guests that you will want to host.

Assistant Grand Marshal Duties

These members will be selected by the Grand Marshal, with approval by the Worthy Grand Matron. They will work under the direction of the Grand Marshal. They will assist in preparation, practice and exercise of the entrance marches.
They will insure that all guests are presented to the Grand Conductress and Assoc. Grand Conductress, at the West end of the Grand Chapter room, for Escort and Introduction. They are responsible to line them up outside the Grand Chapter room and have each group ready prior to their escort. In addition they will insure that introduction cards are correct, in order, and presented to the Grand Conductress (or Worthy Grand Matron, depending on who is introducing them) at the time of their escort.

Assistant Grand Sentinal Duties

This committee is under the direction of the Grand Sentinel. These committee members are to be outside the doors of the Grand Chapter room no less than forty five minutes before each CLOSED session. They are not on duty when sessions are open.
They are to check registration cards and dues cards. No one may enter without both of these pieces of documentation. If there is a problem or challenge, they should be kind and ask the member to wait until the Grand Sentinel can come to the door.
The Grand Sentinel should designate one member of this committee who will always have the schedule available and will be free to insure that ALL doors are covered.
These members will NOT allow entrance during formal opening, proving chapter, balloting, any work at the Altar, Memorial and at other times when designated by the Presiding Grand Officer.

Communications Chairman Duties

This committee consists of licensed Ham Radio Operators and will provide the necessary communications between the Session Coordinators and the various committees and workers required to conduct the Grand Chapter Session. A member of the committe should be stationed near the Flower and Jewelry booths, near the Nurses station and the Grand Secretary's office.
The Chairman of this committee reports directly to the Session Coordinators. One member of the committee should be stationed near the Coordinators table.

Assistant Grand Warder Duties

This committee is under the direction of the Grand Warder. These committee members are to be inside the doors of the Grand Chapter room no less than forty five minutes before each CLOSED session. They are NOT on duty when sessions are open.

They are to check registration cards and dues cards. No one may enter without both of these pieces of documentation. If there is a problem or challenge, they should be kind and ask the member to wait until the Grand Warder can come to the door. All of this should have been taken care of by the Assistant Sentinels but this is a second opportunity to insure all who enter should be there.

The Grand Warder should designate one member of this committee who will always have the schedule available and will be free to insure that ALL doors are covered.

These members will NOT allow entrance to the Grand Chapter room during formal opening, proving chapter, balloting, any work at the Altar, Memorial and at other times when designated by the Presiding Grand Officer.

The Grand Warder appointee for the following year will assist the Grand Warder.

Banquet Chairman Duties

The Chairman of this committee is to coordinate all necessary arrangements for each Banquet that is planned during the Grand Chapter Session, with the exception of any Past Matron groups.
As soon as possible following the close of the Grand Chapter Session, you should contact all area restaurants regarding menus, prices, and number of people that can be accommodated for any given meal.
Contact the representative in charge of each Banquet, by letter, to see what their needs will be: Date, Price Range, Decorations, Microphone, Head Tables? They need to include the gratuity in the price of the meal, as well as any additional money needed to cover decorations or complimentary meals.
It would be appropriate, with the current circumstances, to always have complimentary tickets available for the Most Worthy Grand Matrons representative and their escort. Further, if we are having a Most Worthy Grand Officer present, a ticket for them and an escort should be considered. Our own General Grand Committee Members might also appreciate tickets, but that would be at the discretion of the group. They would also want to consider the complimentary tickets for their own special members, i.e. Grand Line Officers and their escorts at their own group meetings - Victorianns, Memory Makers, etc.
All Information for the tentative program must be in to the Grand Secretary as soon after December 1st as possible, so that the program can be mailed by the first of January. You are responsible for the Banquet reservation form.
All money is currently being deposited through the Grand Chapter Account. Reservations are closed June 1st, at which time Checks are drawn and sent to each Banquet representative so that they can personally handle the payment for their individual banquet.
Each Banquet representative can be asked to make their own tickets and then they are to get them to the Banquet Chairman so that they can be put into ticket packets. You will be responsible to take all meal reservations and put together each member’s packet of tickets to be picked up during registration at the Session site.
For any Banquet held prior to Sunday of Grand Chapter, the tickets (or list of names attending) will be at the Banquet site instead of being put in ticket packets.
You will need to be available (or have someone available) during all of the times registration is open. You should request a table and sign from the Coordinator.

Construction and Decoration Chairman Duties

These committees are responsible for building the sets and decorations required for the Grand Chapter session and for the Grand Installation. They will work together to set up and tear down the decorations and other properties used for the session and for the Installation. Each Line Officer group should coordinate their activities with their Grand Officer and their Session Coordinator.
The Worthy Matrons and Patrons have the primary responsibility for the design and the set up of the decorations for the Grand Session. The Associate Matrons and Patrons have the responsibility for the Grand Installation. All members of the committee should help to complete these tasks. After the Installation, the ENTIRE committee will remain to perform the tear-down of the Grand Chapter room and to load the items used on the trucks.
An effort by Associate Matrons and Patrons group will be made to utilize what is appropriate from the previous groups for the decorations for installation. This will minimize the effort necessary for the two groups to undecorated and redecorate in a timely manner prior to installation on Wednesday evening.
On this committee, COOPERATION IS THE KEY!!! It is absolutely essential.

Courtesy Car Chairman Duties

The duty of this committee is to provide transportation of people, more especially Distinguished Guests, between the session site, hotels, banquet sites and airport. The Chairman needs to work with the Distinguished Guest and Housing Chairman concerning airline arrival and departure times.
Vans have proven, recently, to be the most efficient and cost effective for our purposes.
The Chairman of this committee will make arrangements for securing vans, assigning drivers, delivery to the session site and returning same to the rental facility after the close of the session. The Chairman should work closely with the WGM and WGP, as well as the Session Coordinator, concerning the number of vehicles needed and the amount of funds available for rental. The Chairman should understand and relate all information regarding insurance for drivers to the Session Coordinator.
After Distinguished Guests and Members have been transported, vans may be used as needed to transport other members to and from hotels or session site. All drivers should be familiar with the area where the session is being held.
Make sure that there is always a driver available for emergencies. There will be an area provided as an office for the courtesy drivers. A driver should be stationed at the office at all times.

Delegate Bag Chairman Duties

This committee is responsible for collecting items to be put in the voter’s packets such as note pads, gum, pencils, etc. They will collect all information provided by the Grand Secretary and place these items in the packets, also.
A room will/may be provided at the session site, IF REQUESTED BY THE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, to fill packets. However, the room must be and cleaned and vacated in a timely manner for use by others.
The completed packets should be placed in a secure area until needed for registration.

Equipment Transport Chairman Duties

The duties of the Equipment Transport committee are to insure that all properties are transported from the Grand Chapter office to the session site. They are responsible for insuring that all equipment needed arrives in good condition and in time for set up. They will create an inventory list that will go with them to Grand Chapter to be used by the committee and groups helping when reloading the trailer after the session on Wednesday evening.
The Chairman of the committee is to see that the trailer is inspected as to road readiness prior to June 1st and to secure a transportation company to deliver the trailer to the Grand Chapter office for loading, then on to the session site. Following Installation, the trailer is loaded, inventory checked, returned to the Grand Chapter office for unloading and then to the storage area.
The Chairman will meet with the Property chairman at Grand Chapter before transport date. This will enable them to check the inventory of all items to be transported and insure that they are in one place so that nothing is forgotten.
Be sure that you have checked with the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer regarding all items they need to have transported for the session Secretary's office.

Flower Booth Chairman Duties

This committee will provide corsages and cut flowers for sale during the Grand Chapter session. They will take orders and provide timely service.
The Chairman must make a request of the Coordinators committee for tables and signs to be set up. Be sure to check on status of refrigeration units that may be available for your needs.
It is helpful if a professional florist, with a permit to market, could be on this committee. The bulk of the committee members should come from the Worthy Matron's group, as it is a fund raiser for their group. The co-chairman from the Assoc. Matron group should help and others from the general membership may be used if necessary.

Hospatality Chairman Duties

The duty of this committee is to greet all arriving members and guests at the entrance of the Session site on Saturday afternoon, all day Sunday and at other times deemed pertinent. They shall direct these members to the Registration or Information area.
This Committee is also to greet Fifty-Year Members and Julia Abraham Award recipients prior to the session at which they are to be honored.
Some members of this Committee may be requested to assist the night of Installation. This Committee should cooperate with the Information Committee.
(Approximately 22 people needed) Not sure where this number came from.

Housing Chairman Duties

It is the duty of the Housing Chairman to take all reservations for Motels and to work with the Wagon Master who will be handling R.V. parking.
You should get prices and reserve blocks of rooms, at all participating motels immediately following the Grand Chapter Session., Confirm prices for R.V. parking at the Convention Center and at other parks in the area that can provide water hook-ups and for those who choose to bring pets.
You are responsible to make up a reservation form and have it to the Grand Secretary in December for printing in the tentative program the first of January. Clarify whether payment for R.V. parking is to go to the Wagon Master or to the Housing Chairman, to be deposited in the Grand Chapter Account.
Distinguished Guest Chairman should be informed of all out of state guests that make reservations through the Housing Chairman. Be sure that there are complimentary rooms for the Worthy Grand Matron, for the Worthy Grand Patron and a suite for Distinguished Guests greeting room. These have been provided by the Red Lion each year we have been in Pendleton.
You should request a table and sign from the Session Coordinator. Plan to be available, or have someone available, at that table during registration times in case of questions or concerns about reservations.

Information Chairman Duties

Information Committee
This committee will have a table and easel located just inside the entrance at the session site. They shall have information available regarding registration, practices, meetings, photo schedules, courtesy cars, banquets, restaurants, motels, etc. Some of this information will be available from the Coordinators. Local information, maps, etc., must be secured from the session site, Convention Bureau or Chamber of Commerce. Check with members who live in the area to help you secure some of this information.
An additional easel should be located near the dining area which should include all banquet schedules, photo and meeting schedules, etc. If at all possible, large poster sized copies of the Photo, Practice and Meetings schedules posted outside registration and adjacent to the backroom are very helpful.

Jewelry Chairman Duties

JEWELRY COMMITTEE (Associate Matron's Group)
The Jewelry Committee is chosen by the Associate Matron's group. The Co-Chairman will be chosen from the Conductresses group. Please share what information you have with the Co-Chairman, as she is there to assist you and she will need that information the following year.
As Chairman, it will be your duty to secure all merchandise for the Jewelry counter. You will also be responsible to schedule members to work at the jewelry counter. Many of the groups, recently, have consigned merchandise from Lindebergs. Other things may be purchased from other suppliers.
Remember that the Jewelry counter should be open before the morning session, during the lunch hour and dinner hour, and closed during all sessions. There are 3 glass display cases stored in Pendleton for your use. These cases lock and have some storage drawers (small) in them.
You will most likely be located next to your Associate Matron "sale tables" and you should make a request to the Coordinator's committee for the number of chairs and any signs you may need.

Microphone Chairman Duties

The duties of this committee are to make sure the microphones are operating properly and on the floor at the right place at the right time to be used. There are several stationary microphones and at least two wireless microphones that are located on the main floor (and occasionally used in the upper balconies). The persons on this committee are to move them about and make sure they are "powered up" as directed by the Chair / Co-Chair of the microphone committee and/or Session Coordinators so they may be properly used. Specific instructions will be given at Grand Chapter prior to the opening of each Grand Session. The Chair & Co-chair have the responsibility of coordinating all movements and "power-ups" of the microphones during each session of the Grand Chapter. Responsible for security of all sound equipment. Duties also include working with the Grand Chapter Assistant Secretaries who tape record the proceedings on tape recorders fed from the main sound board. Duties may also include providing personnel to dim/brighten lights.
About 5 persons are needed at EACH of the Grand Sessions. Generally about fifteen (15) people are needed to perform the duties of this committee. Shift assignments should be made up by the Chairman in advance.
Typical personnel requirements for each session are:
Chair or Co-chair directing "movement" / "power-up" from master schedule
1 person on main sound board to control "power-ups" & "Volumes"
1 person on wireless microphone on North side
1 person on wireless microphone on South side
1 person in the East for communication with WGM / WGP
Optional - 1 person for relief / backup
Note: Chair or Co-chair can run sound board themselves to reduce the number of personnel required - the person seated in the East to provide communication with the WGM may be optional depending on the desires of the Session Coordinator.
Typical Microphone Locations: East
Lectern in southeast on the stage for Gr. Secretary & Committee reports
Organ / Soloist
North side wireless
South side wireless
Grand Choir has been furnishing their own sound system in recent years - supplemented by wireless mike from North side. (Microphone committee may be asked to be in charge of "powering up" the choir's system at appropriate times.)
Microphone committee may be asked to help with "light control functions" when the lights are to be dimmed.
Chair is responsible for requesting necessary expendable used by the microphone committee:
Typical expendables used:
Approx. 50 each 9-volt alkaline batteries for the headsets (batteries for the wireless microphones are also 9-volt alkalines but have been furnished by the convention center)
Possibly 2 new communication head-sets used by microphone comm. and session coordinators for communication during sessions, (depends on breakage or other problems from previous year)
Approx. 25 each 90-minute cassette tapes (possibly recycle from previous years)
Approx. 2 rolls duct tape for securing microphone wires to floor
Other - ????
Typical Microphone committee schedule / duties:
Saturday morning 8:00 a.m. - Chair and 1 helper must lay microphone wires on the floor prior to the carpet being placed on the floor and decorations on the stage.
Saturday 9:00 -12:00 a.m. - Lay remaining microphone cables, set microphones, check equipment. Thoroughly test each microphone station for proper volume, feed-back problems, etc. Set up recording station for the Assistant Gr. Secretaries -(tape recorders fed off of main sound board).
Saturday 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. - ???? - Chair and 1 helper to provide necessary microphones for session practice (pencil in microphone needs / timing / locations on Master schedule during practice sessions). It is the Chair's responsibility to assist the Session Coordinators in determining microphone needs and locations.
Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Chair and 1-2 helpers to provide necessary microphones for session practice (pencil in microphone needs / timing / locations on Master schedule during practice sessions) It is the Chair's responsibility to assist the Session Coordinators in determining microphone needs and locations. Be sure to check with each of the groups doing drills or addenda as to their individual microphone needs (gr. page captains, associations, etc.) and note those needs and mike locations on the Master schedule.
Sunday 6:30 - Closing - Personnel scheduled to cover all microphone needs as listed on 'Typical Personnel" listing. Chair or Co-chair is responsible for retrieving and securing the wireless microphones at the end of each session. All microphones, including stationary microphones, are stored in the office of the convention center each night.
Monday morning through Wednesday night - Personnel scheduled to cover all microphone needs as listed on 'Typical Personnel" listing. Chair or Co-chair should arrive approximately 1/2 to 1 hour before opening of each session to set up all microphones and test same. Check the schedule for any unusual needs for the upcoming session so individual instructions can be given to committee personnel prior to start of that session.
During "Legislation" the mike in the West is moved over between the Warder's station and the Assoc. Matron for use by people on the main floor in the South. The mike from the organ/piano is moved to a location behind the Assoc. Conductresses station for people on the main floor in the North. The two portable mikes are sent to the balconies, one on each side, for use by people in the balconies. People in the East use the mike at the Lectern beside the Grand Secretary.

Nurses Chairman Duties

The Chairman of this committee is to schedule shifts and coordinate nursing services during the Grand Chapter session.
There is a first aid kit in the Grand Chapter office which should be thoroughly inventoried prior to each Grand Chapter session. A purchase order is available from the Grand Secretary for any items that need to be replaced. Be sure this is all done prior to loading the trailer so that the kit can be transported with all other properties.
Anyone working with the nurses should be current with their first aid skills. There should be a minimum of 2 EMT/nurses on site at all times. The chairman will work out a schedule and when on duty each nurse will wear a uniform that will easily identify her/him.
A cot and oxygen tank is available from the local Fire Department. There should be a name and number for a local physician to contact if needed. However, in case of serious emergency, our policy is to call for an ambulance.
There is no plumbed-in water in the nurse’s room at the convention center, but Mr. Kennedy will see that water is available to you if we make those arrangements.
A log book should be kept concerning anyone treated by this committee.
There must be a nurse available at all times during sessions. The coordinators must be made aware of where the nurse is seated during sessions, when not in the nurses room.NURSES
The Chairman of this committee is to schedule shifts and coordinate nursing services during the Grand Chapter session.
There is a first aid kit in the Grand Chapter office which should be thoroughly inventoried prior to each Grand Chapter session. A purchase order is available from the Grand Secretary for any items that need to be replaced. Be sure this is all done prior to loading the trailer so that the kit can be transported with all other properties.
Anyone working with the nurses should be current with their first aid skills. There should be a minimum of 2 EMT/nurses on site at all times. The chairman will work out a schedule and when on duty each nurse will wear a uniform that will easily identify her/him.
A cot and oxygen tank is available from the local Fire Department. There should be a name and number for a local physician to contact if needed. However, in case of serious emergency, our policy is to call for an ambulance.
There is no plumbed-in water in the nurse’s room at the convention center, but Mr. Kennedy will see that water is available to you if we make those arrangements.
A log book should be kept concerning anyone treated by this committee.
There must be a nurse available at all times during sessions. The coordinators must be made aware of where the nurse is seated during sessions, when not in the nurses room.

  • Pendleton Convention Center Diagram
  • Pendleton Convention Center Diagram and Chair setup

Property Chairman Duties

The duties of this committee are to know where all property and equipment is stored; to inventory said properties and to see that it is in a state of good repair.
A representative of the Properties Committee must meet with members of the Equipment Transport Committee at the Grand Chapter office and make sure all of the requested supplies; equipment and other properties to be transported to the session site are placed on the trucks.
During the session this committee will clear the floor, when necessary, and store all paraphernalia in a designated area where it can be secured until it is needed again, (usually in the Grand Secretary's office). It is the Property Committee's responsibility to insure the Grand Chapter room is set up prior to the opening of the morning sessions. This committee is directly responsible for the EMBLEMS AND THE BIBLE which must be securely stored at the close of each session and replaced in the Grand Chapter room prior to the opening of each session. Following the final session and Installation of Grand Officers, members of the Property Committee meet with the Equipment Transport Committee and check to see that all equipment and properties are returned to their proper places and stored in the same condition as they were when checked out.

An inventory list of properties and their locations should be provided to the session Coordinator and the Grand Secretary.

Registration Chairman Duties

As Chairman of this committee, it will be your duty to register all members for the Grand Chapter Session.
You will need to design a pre-registration form that is to be in the Grand Secretary's office by January 1st, ready for printing. Check with the Grand Secretary if you have questions concerning all appropriate information for this form.
You will need to schedule members to work at the registration table. Check with the Session Coordinator about times for open registration, as these vary from year to year.
It will be necessary for you to work with the Grand Treasurer so that monies are deposited correctly to the Grand Chapter account. You should also keep a list of all Distinguished and out of state Guests for the Distinguished Guest Committee.
Be sure to make your requests to the Coordinators for tables, signs and chairs needed.

Session Coordinator and Co-Coordinators duties

1. Ask the WGM for list of chairpersons for the committees.
2. Ask AGM for list of co-chairpersons.
3. Ask Grand Conductress for list of co-chairpersons for All Membership Banquet, Jewelry, & Wagon Master.

Early September:
1. Ask WGM for dates & places of Coordinator meetings - Ask her to plan so she can be at the meetings. You need her input.
First Meeting sometime in the fall:

1. Send out letters to chairpersons and co-chairpersons about three weeks before the meeting.
2. Have copies of each committee job description.
3. Have printed list of chairpersons & co-chairpersons to hand out.
4. Give budget for the various committees.
5. Answer questions.

At the first of the New Year have a meeting with the WGM & WGP to cover questions and Grand Chapter plans that need to be addressed in the Session Coordinators meetings.

Second Meeting - Winter Send out letters 3 weeks before.
1. Update committee list.
2. Give tentative schedule for Grand Chapter.
3. Go over Grand Chapter Session Budget.
4. Review Forms - Set-up tables, chairs, signs, etc.
5. Presentations addenda - need to send forms to WM & WP Clubs, Blue Blazers, Area Associations (Willamette Valley Association, Northwest Association, Pacific Coast Association, Southern Oregon Association, and Eastern Central Oregon Association.)
6. Review Convention layout
7. Meet with WGM & WGP to set up schedule for practices, photos, etc.

Third Meeting - Spring:
1. Cover problems.
2. Get schedule set - photos, practices, set-up, etc.
Fourth Meeting in May if needed.

Grand Chapter
About June 5th send to convention center list set up, tables, chairs, size of main stage. Ask for cool room for flower booth to be activated. Ask for phones to be installed, one for the Grand Secretary office and two in ticket booth for the vans.

Saturday –
1. Unload truck and set up - 8:00 AM
2. Decorations - No decorations of the kitchen side of the main room. Priority - Sound system
3. Get reservations signs of the Grand Family and the MWGM in the parking lot. Set up for Vesper Service.
Sunday –
1. Vesper Service 8:00-9:00 AM
2. 9:00 - 2:45 Practice for the various groups 30 minute limits. Clear floor at 2:45 PM SHARP!
3. Set up for the All Membership Banquet.
4. After Banquet and evening session set-up for the opening of Grand Chapter on Monday morning.
5. Monday-Wednesday - Follow schedule set by WGM & WGP.
6. Wednesday afternoon pass the torch to the incoming chairman of Session Coordinators and set up for installation.

Co-chair things to do:
Keep careful records of all expenses and keep a phone log.

1. Plan with AGM & AGP for their installation.
2. Needs - jewels, furniture, decorations, lighting, microphones, signs or groups, family, etc.
3. Find out who is going to be responsible for obtaining and transporting jewels, furniture, decorations, etc.
4. Check with AM & AP Club, home chapters of AGM & AGP about any addenda they wish to present the night of installation.

Signs Chairman Duties

The duties of this committee are to make all necessary signs that are required for the Grand Chapter session and to see that they are properly placed, as requested.
This committee should work with the Session Coordinators to insure that sign changes are made between sessions, when necessary.
The Sign Chairman should have all signs needed for the session at the Grand Chapter office prior to the loading of the trailer so that they can be inventoried and placed on the truck for set up at the session site.
A list of permanent signs available and their locations will be provided to the Chairman. A list of signs needed should be received by the committee from the Session Coordinator in ample time to allow for preparation well ahead of the time the signs are expected to be at the Grand Chapter office. This list will be compiled from the requests made from other committees or Officers.
An area will be provided for the Sign Committee, at the session site, for any unexpected signing that is necessary.

Tellers Chaiman Duties

This committee will work under the supervision of the Chairman to distribute voting materials to the members when requested to do so and will collect the votes when voting is closed as directed by the Chairman or the Presiding Officer.
After collection of the votes, the Tellers are responsible for counting the votes. The Chairman will report all results to the Presiding Officer in a timely manner.
A seating area will be provided for the Tellers during those sessions when legislation is being presented. Tables and chairs, for counting ballots will be easily accessible to the counting area and all Tellers should assist with tables, immediately, when a vote is called.
All members of this committee MUST be available and ready to distribute voting materials during ALL legislative sessions. No one can predict when a written ballot may be required or requested.
(Approximately 30 members needed)

Tellers Committee Duties

June 2000
1. Tellers should be present in their assigned sections during the legislation and voting session.
2 The collection of ballots will be by tellers responsible for a specific area in the Grand Chapter Room.
3. When ballots have been collected, they are to be brought to the Teller counting groups in room 3.
4. They will then receive direction to a teller counting group.
5. Each Teller Counting Group will have three tellers, seated at one end of the
rectangle table.
As shown below...
6. The ballot box will be given to Teller A at one end of the table. Teller A will empty the ballots and immediately determine the total number. This number will be entered at the top of the Teller Counting Groups Tally Sheet.

7. Teller A will pick up a ballot and say out loud the name appearing on the ballot. /Id
Then lay the ballot down in a separate location to prevent counting it again.
Teller B will repeat out loud the name teller A said and record a tally mark in the correct place on the tally record sheet.
Tally marks will be the standard method of five each.
Teller C supervises to assure the procedures are accomplished correctly.
8. After counting & recording all votes, Teller C will count the total tallies for each choice and record that number.
Then Teller C. will take the ballots and record sheet to the other end of the table and give them to Teller C., where they will exchange the ballots and record sheets.
Each group will repeat the process for accuracy. The second entry will be on the back of each form. If they agree Teller C. writes agree on the form and takes it to the command table.

9. The Command Tellers will record the number of votes coming from each teller counting group and record them on their worksheet. When all results are in, the totals will be determined for all choices.
10. The Teller Chairperson will complete a tally record sheet for reporting the results of the voting.
11. Note: The same procedure will be followed if it becomes necessary to conduct a written yes or no vote on a particular subject.
12. The ballot sheet are blank except for the numbering 1 thru 17. They are to be kept together until specific instructions are given to the members. Separate them only as instructed. The voting cards will be bright orange.

Ushers Chairman Duties

The duties of this committee are to escort those members needing assistance to a seat in the Chapter room. (Ushers do not assist with balloting.)
The Chairman and Co-Chairman will make up a working schedule and instruct the Ushers in their duties. Those selected for this committee should be able to climb stairs.
Ushers should be stationed at each set of stairs and in the balcony for assistance in the bleacher seats. They should also be stationed at the rear stairways in the East to assist speakers and guests on these sets of stairs. They may also be needed to assist guests on the front stairways in the East.
In the case of anyone needing a Nurse, contact anyone with a headset, so that we can react as quickly as possible in helping the member in distress. Ushers should be aware, at all times, of the location of the Nurse on duty and the First Aid Station.

Wagon Master Chairman Duties

As Chairman of this committee, it will be your duty to set up RV and Camper parking for members and visitors.
It will be necessary for you to work with the Chairman of the Housing committee to see that all necessary information gets on to the reservation form for R.V. parking. A decision should also be made as to whether the Housing Chairman or the Wagon Master will be receiving the money and reservations for RV parking.
Electricity is available, but no water hook-ups. The Convention Center has made the shower rooms available to members from 6 A.M. until Midnight There are spaces available for members who do not wish to hook up to electricity at half the price of the other spaces. There are also spaces available in local R.V. parks for those who need to have water hook-ups or who have pets.